When I saw hope.

I just got back from a mission trip to Guatemala. Although this was my third international mission trip, Lord showed me something different than ever before. 

On my first trip, I realized the mission field is where I am called to be. I realized it is my passion. 

My second trip confirmed my feelings. God has bestowed the wonderful gift of longing to leave my comfort zone to show someone else how God’s grace and amazing works are alive and thriving all around us.

My third trip (Guatemala) gave me a difference perspective. 

I went with a pretty big group. I was kinda weary on going with a big group because I’ve only been with small groups or individually. Once we got to Zacapa, though, the groups felt more like family. It didn’t feel like there was a small army of US Americans. This was also my first international trip going with a group of high schoolers. I’m not gonna lie, I felt a little old. I was the oldest college student that went on the trip.

I wanted to know how the trip would effect the teenagers. I didn’t know if they would want to just play around, go site seeing or complain about not having wifi. I was blown away by the fact I saw and heard very little of any of those things!

The first two trips, I experienced the feeling of passion. This trip, though, I got to see many high schoolers experience passion! I saw them realize the Lord has a huge plan and a mighty destination for them. I saw them hug and kiss on the faces of the dirty, sweaty and smelly children of the small village. I saw their smiles drop when we went to visit the families living in a dump [thats right-an actual dump where people take their trash and throw it out!] I saw them speak to men and women who are usually looked down upon. I saw them look past the language barrier and create a sense of clear communication. I saw them sacrifice there free time to spend with elders, special needs patients, orphans and babies in the hospital.

When we were leaving, I saw them cry and wave goodbye to the people they created relationships with. When I looked at them, I saw passion. I saw the love of Christ seeping out of them onto the country of Guatemala. When they prayed of peace and protection amongst the people of the villages we visited, I saw them weep, begging the Lord to provide. 

In the gospels, Jesus tells the people to have faith like children. Too many adults looked down upon teenagers and young adults saying they are bringing disgrace to the Lord. I am here to tell them they are wrong. On the trip I saw FAITH like children coming from the younger generation. I am here to tell you there is hope and the Lord has given this generation the privilege of being the messengers.

I remember experiencing my passion for others on the first trip I went on. No feeling can replace that. I am so excited so many more young adults have joined me in yearning to show others the Lord is passionate for them and has their journey chosen for them.


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