When my dreams were shattered.

There is something all people have in common: we all have a dream. We all expect and hope for the greatest. We all grew up watching movies that told us we should have a dream and never let go of it.

-A dream is a wish your heart makes, when you’re fast asleep…-Cinderella
-‘Cause way down deep inside we’ve got a dream!…-Tangled
-Every dream that you dream will come true…-Peter Pan

I loved those movies, and to be completely honest: I still do. I love the optimism of fairy tale movies. Having a dream is necessary. Without having a dream, what are you living for? No one wants to accomplish nothing in their life-at least I hope not. Everyone feels this deep sense of knowing there is something out there for them to achieve.

Some people dream to be astronauts, famous singers or race car drivers.

Other people dream of being a mother, a doctor or teacher.

Growing up, I wanted all of that. I wanted to be successful. I wanted people to remember me for being great. That was my dream.

But one day, my dreams were shattered.

My dreams were shattered when I walked up to a feeding center in Romania and saw children without shoes. My dreams were shattered when I heard about children walking miles just to receive ONE meal. My dreams were shattered when I walked into an orphanage that housed 100 abandoned orphans.

My dreams were shattered because my dreams no longer mattered.

What now matters in my life is the Lord’s dream for me. The Lord led me in a completely different direction than were I thought I wanted to go. Although my old dreams were shattered, the Lord replaced my dreams with HIS.

Because I want to live the dream the Lord has given me, I do not need to worry. I do not have to get upset that I may not achieve my dream. I know the Lord has given me His dream to accomplish.

It is a great and wonderful thing to have dreams; but does it even matter if God does not approve? No. When I went to Romania, my life was flipped up side down. When I got back, I felt wrecked. I was so focused on myself and what I wanted out of my life, that I was in complete turmoil when I realized I was not doing what the Lord wanted me to be doing.

I think back to a book I once read: Kisses From Katie by Katie Davis. Within the first few pages, Katie confesses to her readers that she quit her life.
Now I know to most people that sounds like a suicide note, but it is far from it. The Bible says that we are suppose to turn away from all the things our flesh desires. (“Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.”-Galatians 5:24). To Katie, her flesh desired her boyfriend, friends and college, but God had a different plan for her. She realized that God’s desires were bigger and mightier than her desires. This is why she said that she quit her life. She began living the life Jesus wanted her to live. Soon, His desires turned into her desires; funny how things work, isn’t it?

So, my friend, let the Lord instill a great and mighty dream for you. After all, His dreams are exceedingly more powerful than dreams you could ever imagine dreaming for yourself.


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